Utility Rights of Way

Every utility that generates, stores, transports, or transmits energy has rights of way that must be maintained. Opterra Solutions provides a wide array of rights of way maintenance services. We help maintain rights of way for water and sewer systems, natural gas, oil, refined petroleum products, and the electric power generation, transmission, and distribution markets.

Our Services to this Industry Include:

Herbicide spraying for woody brush control
Mowing or rotary cutting
Right of way reclamation
Right of way clearing
Chemical side trimming
Mechanical side trimming
Weed control and growth regulation
Vine treatment at poles
Drainage, ditch or culvert repair
Access Road Vegetation, Maintenance and Repairs

Benefits of Utility Rights of Way Maintenance

Opterra’s utility rights of way maintenance programs benefit our customers and the public in many ways. Maintaining rights of way keep the lights on. Our service makes it possible for repair crews to gain access to any section of the right of way. Controlling the brush keeps limbs from shorting out power lines and roots from breaching underground transmission lines.

Our program improve the aesthetic appeal and make it more pleasant for the public. Quality right of way programs provide better and more stable ground cover and reduce the likelihood of soil disturbances that result in ruts. It is safer than mechanical maintenance and provides longer-lasting results. Proper vegetation management of utility rights of way helps to provide predictable, stable, and less costly energy for everyone.

Mowing, Reclamation and Clearing

Some of our customers ask us to mow their rights of way at the end of each year. In high profile areas, a typical program would be to spray for brush every third year and mow the right of way once each year. Over the course of time, neglected rights of way become overgrown and must be reclaimed. Opterra Solutions has the equipment and expertise to reclaim or re-clear rights of way that have been left unmaintained for several years. We also have the capability of clearing new rights of way.

Mechanical and Chemical Side Trimming

One of the ways that rights of way begin to get overgrown is from brush encroaching from the side. Over time, it is not uncommon to lose several feet of the right of way to brush and limbs. To reclaim this right of way, Opterra offers chemical and mechanical side trimming solutions. For the lower brush and trees, chemical side trimming is the most cost-effective method to clear is this brush. We are able to kill the brush and only the encroaching limbs on larger trees. For side-trimming taller trees, Opterra will use only mechanical means.


Weed Control and Growth Regulation

Weed control and growth regulation are important pieces of Opterra Solutions’ utility rights of way maintenance program. Our main goal here is to create a consistent turf that is essentially weed-free and uniform in height. Accomplishing this in a cost-effective manner improves the appearance and lowers the cost to maintain high profile rights of way. Opterra does this by making selective weed control applications that remove unsightly brush, broadleaf weeds, and grasses.

The removal of the faster growing and taller weeds improves the appearance and reduces the need for mowing high profile rights of way. Mowing cycles can be further reduced by the application of plant growth regulators. In most cases, these PGRs can be applied with the selective weed control application. The addition of PGRs to the weed control application often results in the elimination of mowing cycles.

Other Services

Opterra Solutions likes to partner with utility companies to provide a broad array of services. In addition to the core business, we offer these services:

 Kudzu treatment
 Fenceline treatment
 Treatment of operations and storage facilities
 Vine treatment
 Repair of ditch and drainage issues
 Drainage infrastructure repair