Turfgrass Management

The goal of Opterra’s Turf Management Program is to create a consistent turf that is essentially weed-free and uniform in height. Accomplishing this in a cost-effective manner improves the appearance and profitability of the company. Opterra does this by providing selective weed control applications to remove unsightly and tall broadleaf weeds and undesirable grasses.

The removal of faster growing and taller weeds improves the appearance and reduces the need for mowing unimproved turf areas. Mowing cycles can be further reduced by the application of plant growth regulators (PGRs). In most cases, these PGRs can be applied simultaneously with a selective weed control application. The addition of PGRs to the weed control application often results in the elimination of several mowing cycles. On more difficult areas (such as steep slopes and rights of way) brush vines, weeds, and unwanted grasses can be removed, eliminating the need to mow these areas.

In some situations, our program will extend to include other services such as mowing, fertilization, over-seeding, and insect control.

Reduce Mowing Cycles Up To 60%

One application of weed control and PGRs will replace several cycles of mowing

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Improve Aesthetic Appeal

Eliminate unsightly weeds and grasses

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Save Money

Less mechanical mowing means less employee overhead and reduced wear on equipment

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Improve Employee Safety

Less time spent mowing means less potential for employee accidents

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Turfgrass Weed Control and Growth Regulation

The goal of Opterra’s Turf Management Program is to create a consistent turf that is essentially weed-free and uniform in height. Accomplishing this in a cost-effective manner improves the appearance and profitability of the company. Opterra does this by making selective weed control applications that remove unsightly and tall broadleaf weeds and undesirable grasses.

The removal of faster growing and taller weeds improves the appearance and reduces the need for mowing unimproved turf areas. Mowing cycles can be further reduced by the application of plant growth regulators. In most cases, these PGRs can be applied with the selective weed control application. The addition of PGRs to the weed control application often results in the elimination of several mowing cycles. On more difficult areas such as steep slopes and rights of way; brush vines, weeds, and unwanted grasses can be removed, eliminating the need to mow these areas.

In some situations, our program will extend to include other services such as mowing, fertilization, over-seeding, and insect control.

Typical Sites Benefited by Turfgrass Management

Any site with large or relatively large areas of unimproved turf is a likely to benefit from a Turfgrass Management program. Locations typically improved by these programs include:

Commercial Sites
Industrial Sites
Golf Courses
Solar Farms
Roadside Rights of Way
Utility Rights of Way
Ditch Banks